About the benefits to take your time to succeed any change

About the benefits to take your time to succeed any change

When change occurs, the typical response is to find quickly a new balance around it. Indeed, it is hard to cope with uncertainty, and we all know that daily routine brings reference points and psychological safety. Therefore, there is a natural rush to fix the new situation.

However, we all have heard the old adage saying, “with time, it’s going to be better”.

Here is the paradox: on one hand, change goes with quick, in the other hand with slow. How can it be?

  1. Bridges* brought light to this paradox by considering two parallel processes: change and transition.

Change is something that happens to people, even if they don't agree with it. Transition, on the other hand, is internal: it's what happens in people's minds as they go through change. Change can happen very quickly, while transition usually occurs more slowly. W. Bridges* has identified 3 main stages in the process of transition that people go through when they experience change:

. Ending, Losing, and Letting Go.

. The Neutral Zone.

. The New Beginning.

  • Endings or Letting go:

People enter this initial stage of transition when they really faced the change: a new country, a new job, a new school …This stage is often marked with resistance and emotional upheaval, because people are being forced to let go of something that they are comfortable with. People may experience these emotions: Anxiety, anger, bargaining, sadness and disengagement from old ways will begin.

  • Neutral Zone:

This stage still contains confusion, apprehension and skepticism. But it can also be one of great creativity, innovation, and renewal. People try new ways of thinking or working. Exploring different directions and ideas is a great experience to allow people to move forward. This stage plays the role of the foundation for energy and motivation.

  • New Beginnings:

This stage is more focused on the new, and has an increased level of acceptance. The last transition stage is a time of acceptance and energy. People have begun to embrace the change initiative.

Just arrived in a new country, in a new position? Ask yourself where you are in the transition process and allow yourself to spend time in each phase. This is finally key for a smooth transition!

*William Bridges, consultant in change management, famous for his transition process model. 1991


If you would like to find out more about how we've helped people go through changes and identify new opportunities, please contact us or send an email to consulting@harmonymobility.com



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