

Participate to our online workshop. How to use Networking efficiently. You are currently looking for a job. You need to build a new network and develop it. Join us and adopt a pragmatic goal setting approach, build new habits, meet new people. 

To register contact us.


Participate to our next online linkedIn workshop. Understand the challenge of the recruitment, get key job search advice around how to tailor and optimise your online profile. Get tips to maximise your profile and your personal branding. 

To register contact us.

Team PARIS helps you

Career Coaching

Executive Coaching


Job Search

Leadership development



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Catherine LazBounatirou

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06 71 17 57 76


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07 86 86 48 55

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Their feedback...


"I had the pleasure of working with Severine on skills assessment, personnal/work motivation, networking, communications and career developement. These are done in a systematical manner and Severine always have time to cover what's important for the person instead of focusing on the completion of some stated contents. She is attentive and professional and often, offer a different perspective/interpretation on a situational analysis, which is much appreciated. Severine is very experienced and genuinely interested in the person she worked with. It has been very rewarding working with her".

​Kar Poh, Channel Programs Director


“I worked with Catherine on a professional Coaching program. 1- She possesses three key features that make her an excellent coach. Genuine interest and respect for her Client: Catherine deeply cares about people! She is able to create the proper atmosphere for an open two-way dialogue: priceless!. 2- Very international background: thanks to her international experience, she can connect very well expatriates and their typical challenges. For that reason, she also brings a variety of useful examples and comparisons to the table. Enriching! 3- She walks the talk: which means that  she is able to be firm when needed, to stop the negative thinking and at the same time she encourages the Client to dare, to think beyond the borders and to use and exercise imagination: stimulating! Last but not least, she sees coaching as a two-way interchange of energies and learnings: inspiring! Catherine is a real top-notch Coach!".

Chiara, Business Development

Career Coaching

"I had the pleasure to be coached by Severine. My objective was to do a "skills assessment"  and "career development counselling". First of all I really liked her professionalism; Severine took time to understand the context and clearly defined my objectives to make sure she was meeting my expectations. Secondly, what I believe makes her an excellent career counsellor is the combination of her understanding of the business world (having worked herself in multinationals) with some core qualities: her listening skills, her right level of empathy and her quick ability to read people. As a result of our sessions I have gained career confidence, insights and encouragement. I would highly recommend Séverine as a coach for anyone in need of career counselling or simply willing to do a skills assessment".

Kasia, Consumer and Trade Marketing Brand Manager


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