√ Emotional intelligence √ Problem solving √ Active learning √ Leadership √ Critical thinking √ Resilience & flexibility A list of key ingredients for managers to navigate through a storm and tackle ever-changing environments. But these skills are not only useful to face the Covid-19 crisis and transform the business. They are also among the top 15 skills in demand...
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In 2017, a McKinsey study revealed that as many as 375 million workers would have to switch occupation or acquire new skills by 2030 because of automation and artificial intelligence. The emergence of new technologies, digital, biological and physical had started to transform our work and this trend has drastically been...
Were you already questioning your career before the Covid-19 crisis, feeling you needed change? Then being locked down might have intensified this reflection. But this period has definitively fostered philosophical reflections for a lot more people. Even if you were not questioning you career before, chances are that you have been reflecting on the importance of your life. On the importance of...
Did you make any New Year resolutions? .. I don’t think they really work and definitely prefer a more practical perspective. I like to concentrate on what events had a real impact on my life last year and also what I enjoyed – then I try to do it again. Nevertheless,...

Going back home after an international assignment is more than often a key challenge, both for employee and employer. Indeed, about 60% of returning employees quit their company within a year after their return. How to succeed this transition and get the most of the global mobility? : to learn more and discuss on...
One used to find a job in a company and used to be an employee for his whole professional life. Nowadays, lifetime employment is nearly dead, and thereby the traditional career. And slowly the concept of employment has moved to “employability”. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), employability is “one’s...
Let me share with you my discussion with Eric, global manager in the bank sector based in Singapore. After 24 years spent in a corporate bank with 18 years working abroad, Eric has decided to stop living out of a suitcase and play his own career path. Therefore he seized a...
To save money, expats packages are prohibitive Because companies must have a deep understanding of how to market and sell in each market/country. Companies must deliver localized products at the right price and with the right branding/marketing/sales strategies to customer markets all over the world. And to do that they...