Liste des documents

Conflicts at work, how to turn them into opportunities? 

The Standard Webster English Dictionary lists more than 60 synonyms under the word conflict! It can take many forms and is the manifestation of tensions, oppositions, eventually clashes between individuals supporting differing viewpoints. It covers a large variety of situations where emotions are violently stirred and both parties feel threatened and...
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Ce que j’ai retenu de ma conversation avec Edouard Stacke

Il y a quelques jours lors de notre Job Search Coffee, nous avons eu la chance de recevoir Edouard Stacke. Evoquant avec lui les mots « exemple parfait » que j’avais choisis pour le présenter, Edouard me fit remarquer que le mot « parfait » était chargé d’un sens lourd et me demanda de changer...
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Why now is a good time to rethink your career?

Why now is a good time to rethink your career?
Were you already questioning your career before the Covid-19 crisis, feeling you needed change?  Then being  locked  down might have  intensified  this  reflection.   But this period has definitively fostered philosophical reflections for a lot more people.  Even if you were not questioning you career before, chances are that you have been reflecting on the importance of your life.  On the importance of...
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How to manage the border between work and personal life while working remotely?

How to manage the border between work and personal life while working remotely?
With the Covid19 crisis, the transition into remote work has been sudden, almost instantaneous. With no preparation time, we strived to meet all obligations and keep all projects ongoing. Faced with countless tasks, ranging from minimum to greater importance, go and cover for every single angle has been the rule at...
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How to keep your motivation flying high in uncertain times?

How to keep your motivation flying high in uncertain times?
Motivation relies on internal and external factors. In this Covid-19 period, how to keep our motivation high when we feel challenged by an uncertain context that put us outside from our comfort zone? We are sharing today what we have personally done  From our London team I put in place a...
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Our weekly Selection during Covid19

Our weekly Selection during Covid19
An after Covid 19 world is shaping up. Which will be the most important changes in your organization? How to manage them? And how to make the best of it? To inspire your, here is our weekly selection about: Collaboration and Communication in the Covid 19 era by Mark Mortensen (podcast to...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid19

Our Weekly Selection during Covid19
#Covid19 and lockdown are transforming our world. What will be their impacts on the future of our organization? How to meet all the challenges Here is our selection of the week about: AI & Robots, our new teammates by Sangseok You (to listen) A redefinition of networking by David Burkus (to...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
With the experience of #lockdown and #uncertainty, new questions have raised : How to learn to live in our world marked by the #covid19 world? To listen : Navigating through deep uncertainty by Brian Hill To watch : Great conductors, a source of inspiration for leadership, by Itay Talgam  To read : Réapprendre à vivre, by Laurent Bibard [FR] To learn : Se sentir bien #140 -...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
Our world has changed and we will adapt. To emerge stronger, what do we need to do? how can we do it? when is the right time to embed change? Here is our selection of the week about: Audacity : [FR] Eloge de l’audace, by Philippe GABILLIET (to listen) Career reinvention in the...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
Life is tough, unfair, yet beautiful. How to appreciate life? Why to "use" it wisely? How to celebrate it? Here is our selection to reflect on these topics. To listen: [FR] Le coup de gueule du philosophe @André Comte-Sponville. A écouter les 9.15 premières minutes or read the transcript   To read: [FR] « La crise ne fait...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
How to take the right decision? What do we need to manage risks? How to deal with uncertainty? Here is our weekly selection to help you prepare your mind & body and develop your decision making capacity. To listen: Comprendre les biais cognitifs en pleine crise du coronavirus, by Olivier Sibony...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
  This week, our Harmony & Mobility Team wants to share some tips to - step back & reflect - be aware of your own emotions - express yourself - unwind with sports Did that help? What are your takeaways? We are here to listen.   To read: [FR] Coronavirus &...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
"We can't control the sea, but we can learn how to surf the waves". And you? Which waves did you surf this week? Here are Harmony & Mobility Consulting team's weekly recommendations To read: 7 things that polar explorers used (...) that work in quarantine by Daniella McCahey in Fast Company To...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid 19 Confinement
There are a lot of things we can't control these days. So let's focus on what WE CAN control. What we do. What we learn. What we read. What we watch. What we listen to. Here is our weekly selection To watch: Simon Sinek sharing some inspiring thoughts with his team...
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Sortir de sa zone de confort

Sortir de sa zone de confort
Nous souhaitons vous faire partager le fruit des réflexions de la dernière réunion mensuelle des consultants du cabinet Harmony & Mobility Consulting dont le thème est « sortir de sa zone de confort ». La zone de confort est un état psychologique dans lequel une personne se sent à l’aise. Dans cette zone,...
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Our Weekly Selection during Covid19 Confinement

Our Weekly Selection during Covid19 Confinement
Yes, we are going through challenging times. But let's not stop learning. Developing. Progressing. That's why we would like to share with you our weekly selection... - To read: DareToLead by Brené Brown To watch: DoYouDareToDream by inKNOWation To listen: [French] LeGratin by Pauline Laigneau épisode. 19 Stephanie Gicquel "On naît...
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Les conditions du succès d’un groupe de co-développement en entreprise

Les conditions du succès d’un groupe de co-développement en entreprise
Créer un groupe de co-développement en entreprise apporte aux employés une autre façon de se développer : apprendre à partir de son expérience individuelle et celle des autres. C’est une occasion de renforcer les liens au sein de l’entreprise et ainsi de renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance en cassant les silos qui pourraient...
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L'Arbre de vie

L'Arbre de vie
  L’arbre de vie est issu des Pratiques Narratives (PN). Cette méthodologie a été développée conjointement par David Denborough travailleur social, thérapeute en PN, écrivain australien et Ncazelo Ncube, psychologue et thérapeute en PN, originaire du Zimbabwe. Son objectif est d’aider les psychologues et travailleurs sociaux qui accompagnent les enfants orphelins...
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Vous êtes en recherche active d’emploi et toutes les personnes qui vous conseillent sur la méthodologie (amis, ex-collègues, famille, conseillers emploi…) et tous les articles que vous lisez sur le sujet font mention du caractère incontournable de l’activation du réseau. Que vous soyez à Tokyo, Londres, Paris, Singapour, Mexico, New York...
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Le co-développement professionnel ou le pari de l’intelligence collective en Entreprise

Le co-développement professionnel ou le pari de l’intelligence collective en Entreprise
L’ère d’internet avec le partage de l’information, du savoir et le développement accéléré des connexions permet à l’homme de bénéficier à grande échelle de l’intelligence collective. Dans ce courant de partage virtuel et dématérialisé, il émerge depuis quelques années, au service du monde de l’entreprise et des organisations, des méthodes, des...
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