Harmony & Mobility Consulting

Tips to a successful job search abroad

Tips to a successful job search abroad

Looking for a job is always disruptive. Looking for a job abroad can be daunting. Our clients assume that looking for a job, as a foreigner, is the same as in their home country. Not quite! And a lot of them are all at sea with it.

If you want to be more effective in your job search, you must develop your employability and consider these tips:

Career objective

You have done all your research and investigations on the Internet and through meetings. You know the title of the role you’re targeting and the best way to approach it. You have identified the needs of the market and written down all the companies and people you want to contact. Nevertheless, keep in mind that flexibility and open-mindedness are great ways to get your foot in the door of the labour market, even with a position that doesn’t sound very interesting at first glance. The most important thing, if you find yourself having to job search, is to get back on track! 


Your written communication has to match local expectations. For instance, Brits focus on achievements instead of job description, gaps need to be explained with experiences and voluntary work adds value to your profile.

And, don’t hesitate to ask for help from a copyeditor to correct all spelling mistakes.


LinkedIn is your best friend and your network an endless source of information. Considering them as your best allies allows you to be more efficient and save valuable time. Solidarity between people within the same community is precious and the best way to understand how things work in the market, industries and companies you are targeting. Therefore, get out, go to events and shake hands.


A tricky objection to your application could be your lack of market knowledge. Preparing a positive point of view, being proactive and reassuring the recruiter during the interview could increase your chance of success.

Be supported

Isolation is a risk when you are looking for a job, especially if you start from scratch in a new country. Being supported through a career coaching or a job search programme is a way to gain efficiency and understand quickly the key to finding a job in a new market. You can also be part of job search groups to keep the momentum.

Finally, as anywhere else, looking for a job is a question of motivation, resilience and boldness!

“Do something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn't, do something else.” FD Roosevelt

 Françoise Carbonnel

If you would like to find out more about how we've helped people fine tune their job search, please contact us or send an email to consultingThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

My 6 tips for a successful transition abroad

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